Career Fit For You Blog
Here you will find posts that will help you on your career journey.
A Career Story: Understanding the Risk Zone
Any Career Change or Shift Comes With a Risk. Here is the Story I know this is a story where the consequences are not really huge, but I tell it to illustrate my career point. We live in a rural town with a small grocery store. It is great for the basics,...
Career Story: Outstanding or Out of Place
Simple career related illustrations show up in all kinds of places. It happened to me once again just the other day. We live in a small rural town of 1500 people about 45 minutes outside of Canada's capital, Ottawa. Several years ago, the powers-that-be really tried...
Does Your Career Have A Slow Leak?
A Mini Holiday, a Tire Issue and a Career Lesson Here is a recent personal story that will help you out in your career. I've been driving for about 40 years. In all that time, I don't really recall having a problem with tires... Until recently! To be...
Choosing A Career? Getting The Right Help
Help Choosing a Career So You Need Help Choosing a Career? I if it was yesterday...the day I had my first visit with this career specialist who was to assist me in one of the most important decisions of my life. Choosing a career, a new one, an...
Career Satisfaction Statistics: Logical Yet Emotional
So you have a Career Satisfaction Issue? Which word in the title captivated you more? Statistics or Emotional. Both are needed to address your concern. By nature, I love to do two things: Analyse & Categorize; and yes, in that order. As a rule, I don't...
Career Advice For Students – A Story
Sometimes when you are getting Career Advice, the best lessons come from those that have been on the job for a while. There is value in hearing the decisions that were made and how those decisions impacted not only their career but ultimately all aspects...